Thursday, February 20, 2014

Fuquans in London!

One of the things we missed most when we were in Indonesia was our friends. Now that we're here in London we are soooooo very happy that we get to have visitors again. We've already had visits from Gloria's parents, my parents, and a few other friends, and now things are really starting to pick up and we're definitely looking forward to all our guests.

Last week, one of our friends from business school, Allison Mooney, came for a visit. Allison and Gloria were ILE teammates at Fuqua, and we became close friends with her and her husband Matt during school. Matt even helped me get my job at Accenture, but I digress...

Allison was in London for work, so she decided to spend the weekend here with us. Woo hoo!
Not only that, it turns out another couple from Fuqua just moved to London. Erica Gellerman (class of 2012) and her husband Jordan (class of 2013-ish? Executive Program) just arrived in London a few days ago and will be living here for the next couple years. We're ecstatic to have new friends here, and as if things couldn't get any better, Erica and Jordan might end up be living in our neighborhood as well. How great is that?
Anyhoooo, we spent the weekend bumming around London, exploring the borough market, took a walk through Hyde Park and Speaker's Corner (lots of religious rantings), and we even made time for afternoon tea at Harvey Nichols.
Warm cider at the Borough Market
A funky umbrella art installation we happened to find
Shakespeare's Globe Theater
Afternoon tea!
Of course, we also made time for a pub night and a drink or 5.
We had an absolutely wonderful weekend with Allison, Erica, and Jordan, and now we're gearing up for another weekend of Fuqua shenanigans. Why is that you ask? Well, here's why:

We're about to have a visit from these two lovely ladies. Sadia and Meleata are both coming to London, and as it turns out, they'll be here the same weekend. I believe that's what's known as serendipity. Shenanigans will most definitely ensue. Game on!

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